In view of the present situation I think
that I cannot delay the establishing of the government one day longer.
not sure whether you will be able to return here before next Tuesday. On this
day I intend to present the government. One day earlier – at least – I must
assemble the appointees to a final conversation regarding our presenting
ourselves in the Knesset. The weighty matter is your absence. Originally I had
wanted to ask you to come back for at least one day, if it was necessary for
you to stay on in Geneva. But I believe that instead of troubling you and
causing you to lose two days (which may be important), it is better to send you
a messenger.
inform the messenger of your assessment of the situation after your meetings,
investigations and impressions.
Is there an assured chance that we would receive arms, and from whom[?]
Is there a danger of their continuing to send arms to Egypt, Syria and other
Arab states - and to which of them[?]
What is the powers’ attitude towards Nasser: the attitude of France and the
USA, the attitude of England and the Soviet Union.
attach a draft of my speech and I ask for your comments on the political part,
beginning with the bottom of page 11 until the end. If you have comments on the
rest – please [send them too].
am afraid that the situation here is worsening. And I don’t see it possible for
me to present a government – at least without your participation from afar.
strong and of good courage.
10, doc.440. The original (very poorly) handwritten letter is in ISA FM