American Consul-General’s
report of his conversation with Burns about the Burns-Sharett meeting of February
Burns has given me following account his conversation
with Sharett February 29 with further reference UN SYG proposals El Auja D/Z.
Burns regards Sharett’s remarks as amounting to Israeli withdrawal tacit
acceptance proposals.
In course discussions Sharett indicated Israeli viewpoint
was that UN SYG proposals envisaged compliance by GOE with article VIII
paragraph 3 of GAA, which not forthcoming. Burns referred to a conversation
between Hammarskjold and Ben Gurion during UN SYG’s recent visit Israel from
which Hammarskjold understood Ben Gurion had given assent orally to proposals.
Sharett replied that Ben Gurion viewed matter as mere conversation about the
proposals not involving any commitment. Sharett again argued that while GOI had
accepted proposals they had not given any undertaking to “implement” them and
that in any case a new situation has now arisen owing to increased arms
available to Egypt. In addition, he said Egypt has increased numbers her troops
in Gaza strip and neighborhood D/Z thus making withdrawal IDF from D/Z
impracticable. Burns commented that GOI was aware any increase Egyptian forces
in area at time proposals accepted.
There was some further conversation about the GAA with
Burns pointing out that if Israel felt it necessary hold out for Egyptian
compliance article VIII paragraph 3 Egypt would undoubtedly link that with
observance by GOI of article VII. Matters would thereupon become somewhat
complicated in view of impediments placed in way of observers who are not able
in existing circumstances to verify compliance with article VII, for instance.
The role of observers should be to observe and not merely to await an
invitation to check upon an allegation made by one party against the other.
Sharett agreed to send Burns a letter outlining present GOI position with
regard proposals.
In talking to me today Burns expressed opinion that
Israeli attitude possibly related in some way to continuing failure obtain arms
from US, or possibly merely result fact that original acceptance not in good
faith but made simply with idea Egyptians would not accept proposals. [- - -]
SOURCE: FRUS 1955-1957 XV, doc.154.