Following secret consultations with the British, French and
American ambassadors to the United Nations, the UN Secretary-General addressed
the following note to Egypt and Israel:
Present tensions
and the risk of further serious incidents in the area will be reduced if,
without prejudice to any of the provisions of the General Armistice Agreement,
immediate effect is given to the following three points:
Completion of the marking of the old Egyptian-Palestine frontier, along the
western boundary of the Demilitarized Zone.
Restriction of all Egyptian checkposts and defended posts to positions west of
the western boundary of the Demilitarized Zone, and the removal of personnel,
obstacles and mines from all positions within the Demilitarized Zone.
Simultaneous removal by Israel of all obstacles and mines and the limitation of
Israeli personnel in the Demilitarized Zone to the inhabitants of Kibbutz
K]e[tsiot and the thirty civilian police allowed for the protection of civilian
activities, subject to the reservations made by General Burns in his letter of
29 September 1955.
SOURCE: FRUS 1955-1957,
XIV, p.704.